Blonde Performance
A makeover of Blonde inc's creative session flow. The new landing page highlights Blonde's unique design style and communicates their services in an engaging way.
I send my warmest recommendations to Hybl for anyone who wants to have a great website made, where visuals and functionality are top priorities. Hybl works quickly, efficiently, and thinks innovatively in terms of their solutions. We, at Blonde Performance, have been really happy with the collaboration with Hybl and will definitely return.
David Aarup Poulsen
Head of Blonde Performance
An Interactive Explainer
Blonde knows how to create a website that comes to life. Blonde Performance is filled with small interactions that help communicate how their services work.
Animations with Lottie
For Blonde Performance, we use a lot of animations to reinforce messages. Here we use Lottie, a library developed by Airbnb, that makes the animations perform well and stand out sharply.